Lazare-Levy ∙ Radio Broadcast Recordings 1950-1963


Lazare-Lévy ’s recordings of the classical piano repertoire document the highest artistic standing and, as such, take an immovable place in the history of pianism. He was a pupil of Louis Diémer at the Paris Conservatoire and was in turn to rise to a comparable eminence as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of Parisian teachers. These are both radio studio and live recordings from 1950 until 1963 which have until now remained unpublished. They reflect very accurately his strongest reportoirial strengths.

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LAZARE-LÉVY plays Rameau, Mozart, Franck, Mompou and Fauré

Rameau: L’Entretien des muses
Recorded ∙ 23 October 1963 ∙ Lausanne ∙ Studio 1 ∙ Radio Lausanne ∙ Radio Studio Recording

Mozart: Piano Sonata in C Major, KV 330
Franck/Bauer: Prélude, Fugue et Variations Op 18
Recorded ∙ 20 March 1955 ∙ Warsaw ∙ Polskie Radio ∙ Live Recording

Mompou: Impresiones intimas ∙ 1914 original edition
Recorded ∙ 03 June 1951 ∙ Lausanne ∙ Studio 1 ∙ Radio Lausanne ∙ Radio Studio Recording

Mozart: Quintet in E-flat Major for piano and winds, KV 452
Lazare Lévy (pn) ∙ Pierre Pierlot (ob) ∙ Ulysse Delécluse (cl) ∙ Gilbert Coursier (hrn) ∙ Fernand Oubradous (bsn)
Recorded ∙ 12 February 1950 ∙ Paris ∙ Salle de l’ancien Conservatoire ∙ Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française ∙ Live Recording

Franck: Variations symphoniques for piano and orchestra
Lazare Lévy (pn) ∙ Orchestre National de France ∙ Tony Aubin (conductor)
Note: bars 238-241 missing
Recorded ∙ 06 March 1958 ∙ Paris ∙ Théâtre des Champs-Elysées ∙ Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française ∙ Live Recording

Fauré: Clair de lune, Op 46, No 2
Lazare Lévy (pn) ∙ Georges Jouatte (tenor)
Recorded ∙ 12 February 1950 ∙ Paris ∙ Salle de l’ancien Conservatoire ∙ Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française ∙ Live Recording

Article number: MC 1025
UPC barcode: 791154054017
Recording dates: 1950-1963
Release date: March 2015
Total timing: 75:33
Booklet: 8 Pages
From the Original Masters ∙ © 2015 Meloclassic

May 2015 ∙ MusicWeb International ∙ Lazare-Lévy plays Rameau, Mozart, Franck, Mompou and Fauré
Now Meloclassic appears with a fascinating selection from his concerts and broadcasts given between 1950 and 1963. The restoration of this material is particularly valuable because he made so few commercial recordings. All lovers of French pianism will react favourably to this splendid release which is made the more so because Meloclassic has now upped its game in terms of presentation. Gone are the tipped in notes. Now we have an elegant eight-page booklet in the digipack with photographs and well-written notes. The livery has now changed colour too. All of which rounds out a compelling portrait of the French pianist as recitalist, soloist, ensemble pianist and accompanist.
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June 2015 ∙ Jejouedupiano ∙ Frédéric Gaussin ∙ Lazare-Lévy plays Rameau, Mozart, Franck, Mompou and Fauré
Dans la mesure aussi où il formera certainement la dernière parution d’intérêt dédiée à Lazare-Lévy – encore qu’il soit toujours possible d’altérer le profil d’un artiste en publiant des rebuts ou des bribes – il faut donc saluer comme il convient ce disque que Meloclassic, fidèle à sa jeune tradition d’excellence, publie aujourd’hui au cœur d’une salve riche et française d’inédits (Samson François, Monique Haas, Lélia Gousseau… : de nombreux autres s’annoncent). Essentielle à notre connaissance du pianiste, cette contribution se distingue d’abord par sa dimension patrimoniale. Enregistrés sur le vif à Paris, Lausanne et Varsovie, en concert ou en studio, les inédits que présente Meloclassic témoignent des derniers moments de l’activité de Lazare-Lévy, saisi là entre sa 67ème et sa 81ème année sur six instruments différents. Ils donnent pour la première fois l’opportunité de l’entendre au sein d’un orchestre ainsi que dans une page de musique de chambre. Meloclassic présente ici la pièce de Franck et la Sonate de Mozart (« l’œuvre dans laquelle chacun sait depuis longtemps que Lazare-Lévy excelle.
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